Thank you for visiting our blog. We will posting information on the launch and history of our organization Under The Baobab Tree, Inc. a Nonprofit 501 (c) 3 this weekend. Please visit us at or email us at
Our organization is working to improve the lives of the children by providing education and educational supplies to children living in extreme poverty in Malawi Africa.
Our mission is to develop a completely sustainable community in one of the world’s most impoverished regions. Education is the first step to teaching the children of the community how to read, write, eat, and develop a sustainable economy and ecology.
Please take a moment and visit our site and be inspired by our story.
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Hi Meg,
Thank you for working so hard on creating the blog for and helping as a volunteer. We look forward to your help with Malawi and the further development of our wonderful school in Malawi Africa.
If others are interested in helping our nonprofit in Malawi please email Yo Yoshida or Meg or visit us at
This school in Malawi, Africa has 350 kids already! So many people want to help and I look forward to reading Meg's blog to see all the positive changes coming about from such big hearted people donating their time, ideas and efforts. is such a grass-roots effort and I am excited.
Wow! This is truly an amazing project. I hope you get a lot of help and interest in this. It's a great website too. A lot of love is going into this.
Hello Meg,
Thank you so much for working so hard on the blog for You are a very talented writer. Thank you Yo for working so hard on the web site. It looks great. I am excited to work as a group to help the chidren of Malawi Africa.
Paul Batmanis, M.D.
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